Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fantastic Meet at French Loaf

My second meetup with GiB and it was really heart-warming to meet all of them. Especially those whom I had met at Oasis Mall followed by the song sessions at Ash's room. Nice to see new faces and got to meet iMac, the apple of my eye aswell as the wise & song-filled Anton. Nice to be intro'd to Rohan & Anisha, Rajaram, Jessel, Clyde and Clinton (though we played basketball b4). Somehow this meetup was way better than the last time. I still remember that I literally wanted to leave Ash's place had it not been for the locked front door...LOL
The venue was splendid. Great choice Ken & thanks for all your efforts to get us in the mood aswell as rounding us up by giving directions, etc. The place actually brought back memories of my time in Paris.
Chkout :
There is this somewhat funny incident that happened to me there. I was walking along on my way that weekend morning just exploring the place when this middle-aged woman approaches me and converses in French. Luckily, I know enough to understand so she asks me "Where is the nearest metro?" Which is the underground train station for those of you unfamiliar with metro. I reply back in french, "Sorry, I don't know as I'm just a tourist here but there should be one near the main street around." Oh, btw, she was not that attractive but even if she was, I wouldn't have taken the plunge for any reason especially before marriage but the thought did cross my mind & I could have worked on this opportunity. Anyway, then I ask her in french where she is from, as she was fair, not so tall, sharp facial features besides the "usual" characteristics which looked like a typical french lady. She replied she's indeed from Paris and then I ask again "How come you, living in Paris, don't know where the subways are?". Thought I had caught her if she had some ulterior motives. But that went bust when she replied that she drives around in her own car and recently decided to use public transport which is cheaper and good for the economy and environment at large. Then she counters that with "How come you know to speak french quite well even though ur an outsider?" I reply back saying that "I learned in high school and kept it touch with it till now". She then complimented me on my french and we parted along our separate ways. She's still on my mind though I didn't ask her name. God bless her.
You could say she was part of the reason why I was so romantically spirited if you may. But playing and singing the guitar has always been my deepest desire and if I don't get a chance to do that, I'd rather sing the words or whistle the tune than just be a silent spectator. It was soooo much fun when all of us contributed in some way or the other. I wish I get to master the guitar as good as Ash. He was the epicenter of our gathering. Kudos bro, you amaze me everytime, all the best with UZO. Clinton was gr8 with the few songs he played out and all of us suggested neat songs especially from Arti, Mac and Anton, who was was brimming with new songs, some from his laptop.
The jovial spirit of the group was maintained with jokes of all flavours here and there, especially the Ken & Mac ones. Brothers, I admire the way you'll handled it especially since I've been that kind of butt of jokes for most of my life. It was cool for me coz I had that attitude and never let anger to take control of me. I was deeply shatterred, heart-broken many times but I said to myself, its all for the greater good in God's plan. Atleast, I'm contributing to some fun around by making others happy. So I used to just keep a wry smile on my face though it was a heartache and said a small prayer for God to bless them.
Was surprised that my roomie who had wanted to leave by 5pm actually stayed back and I don't blame him as I was with him during the last meetup. Hence, at the start I asked Ken if he had any agenda as I had my own objectives to complete in my own way but the way it turned out was way beyond what I had anticipated to do. I'm sorry I took that first step by asking one of my brothers to start that agenda of mine, as at the end of that evening, followed by my usual prayer & good night's sleep, I realized all my objectives are completed but with His agenda. Its amazing how we plan to do things our own way and feel depressed when it doesn't work out that way but actually, in the end, everything worked perfectly with His plan. That's why I used to always live with this slogan : "Its all for the best". Let me just modify it a bit, as now I live as "Its all for the best for God's Kingdom." The evening was so exhuberant that had it not been for the evening mass, I wished we could sing and laugh till French Loaf literally threw us out...LOL
I hope there is another meetup soon if God wills or maybe after Easter. I sure miss other sisters in this group whom I had met before. There must be many members in this group whom I've never met till now & I pray we meet in His divine time.

P.S: The French Loaf experience was so profound that I kinda know what MeatLoaf was trying to convey in his song "I would do anything for love but I won't do that..."

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